Sustainable development
Upholding Our Purpose| Fulfilling Our Commitments| Achieving Our Goals| Focusing on Hot Issues| Courses Went Through| Missions Advocated| Practical Performance| Further Disclosures|
Reach Net Zero GHG
emissions no later than 2050
JA Solar is consistently organizing carbon inventory work to identify its own carbon emissions. In November 2022, it joined the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), with a commitment to helping limit global warming to around 1.5° C. It promotes the setting of carbon reduction targets in a more sustainable and international manner.
Contribute to nature / biodiversity recovery
JA Solar set ambitious, science-informed, short and mid-term environmental goals that contribute to nature / biodiversity recovery.
Legal compliance
JA Solar continues to promote the construction of a compliance system. It has set up the Compliance Management Committee to give full play to the leadership of the Company's senior management for the promotion of various types of compliance work and formulation.
Operate at the highest level of transparency
JA Solar include material ESG information in financial or other relevant disclosures, using standard metrics where possible.
Support for inclusion, equality,
diversity and the elimination of any form of discrimination.
JA Solar firmly prohibits all forms of workplace discrimination, harassment, coercion, threats, and violence, and has established a sound human resources management and system. It adheres to equal pay for equal work for both male and female employees as part of our commitment to creating a fair workplace environment.

JA Solar provides employees with equal opportunities, a safe work environment and decent work. This supports them in obtaining fair income, a better workplace, better welfare protection, and personal development prospects. While creating employment opportunities, the Company drives the development of enterprises in the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain and fosters the sustainable development of the industry.